Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Our first night through this together

I just got to my sweet baby and I needed to get some rest but I didn't want to. I wanted to stand next to her the whole time and never let her hand go. Matt convinced me to go with him to try to get some sleep. How can I sleep when she is over there hurting? 

It wasn't long after we were in the room before I lost it. I tried so hard to not cry in front of Matt. I know that he was hurting just as much as I was and he didn't need the burden of comforting me. I think that break down did more good for the both of us than I could have ever imagined. He wrapped his strong arms around me and told me that he is here for me. As I expressed how bad I hurt I could feel the tears hitting my head. He was hurting too. We cried and prayed together that night. I don't know if I ever cried so hard in my life. We listened to Praise You in This Storm by Casting Crowns and knew that we couldn't lose our faith. That night was a huge milestone for Matt and I. We grew closer together as husband and wife and as Christians to God. We knew that we would have to keep our faith center or we would never make it. Through our tears we could feel God's love surrounding us. 

We went onto Facebook to see all the love and support and prayers that were being said for Amelia. The tears never stopped flowing as we saw people sharing the story of our sweet angel around the world. Words couldn't form, just tears flowing from our eyes. This tiny 7lb 5oz little miracle was so loved. That people took time out of their busy lives to offer words of encouragement and prayers for our little girl. Seeing Matt get so emotional (sorry baby!) it made those feeling I had for him grow even deeper. I always knew he was an amazing man and husband, but I was seeing what an amazing father he was and I felt so blessed. 

We prayed again before trying to get some sleep. We needed to get back to our baby! (Or as Matt has so many times said "my baby girl"!

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