Saturday, November 30, 2013

Nov 26

After being monitored all night and having an increase in her Keppra from preventative dosage to treatment dosage she had only one seizure. Yes seizures are bad, even one, but that means that they are close to finding what works for her. They increased her dosage a little more and will keep her on the EEG to see how she does. Today they will see how Amelia does breathing completely on her own. I'm so glad they explain backup measures to us because I was worried. Sure all new parents are worried about everything, but I'm a total wreck about this one. After all she's been through its hard to not be.

After last night with Matt holding me I felt a little better. Not 100% obviously but enough to get through the day. Sitting next to her watching her sleep so peacefully I still thought about being home with her and how I'm going to be the most paranoid mother. But God put his hands on me and blessed me and told me I was gonna be okay. He had me dwell on what it would be like when She got out of here instead of "what ifs." God's comfort and healing power could be felt so strongly and I was so thankful for my faith. I was also thankful for Matt's faith.  If he or I had lost our faith it would make it so much easier for the other to lose faith and question God and turn our backs. Matt and I have God as the center of our life and marriage and the devil isn't too happy about that. We knew Amelia was a miracle from conception and turning our backs on God now wasn't something we wanted to do. God brought us to this and he was not going to abandon us, he would lead us through this.

Amelia did well on her first C-Pap. There were 4 times were she had problems but she brought herself out of them. Every 3 hours she would have another one and would breath on her own for a hour.

Amelia had some visitors today! Laurie, Deb and Uncle Wayne came by. Cindy came by today as well. It was a nice little distraction to have people here. 

Today her neurosurgery team said there is no new swelling and things are looking good. Praise The Lord!! They discontinued all her extra IV fluids that were helping to avoid swelling. No more sodium so the swelling in her body should go down soon and she will look like a normal baby! The neurosurgery team also stated that recovery here in the hospital wouldn't be months but rather weeks! Best news we got today. That means our angel could be home for Christmas!! 

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