Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 21

Happy Birthday to me!! I was getting a daughter for my birthday!! Not just any daughter, a miracle daughter. God was going to give us the biggest blessing of our lives!! My dr came in at about 7:45. I had been having contractions (strong ones) since about midnight. I didn't want an epidural but not having a natural birth (having to have pictocin) I needed one. The nurse went to order me one while the dr checked me and broke my water. My water was broken and my dr was going to come back at lunch time to see where I am at. Right after she left I got my epidural and was told to rest till my dr came back. That epidural killed me getting it. I ALMOST would have rather had the contractions. The only reason I wouldn't is because the pain of the epidural went away soon and so did all the other pain!! I tried to rest but how could you when you are so excited and also when my machine would beep for 30 minutes at a time or someone was coming in to move monitors. I used the time to pray. Pray that everything go according to God's plan. My dr came back and there was no progress. She was a little concerned about that but said she would be back in 4-5 hours and hope that I had some progress. Well about 2 hours later I was ready to start pushing. Ha, who would have known I would be an awesome pusher!! I pushed for almost 2 hours and my dr stopped me. She said that she doesn't say this much because it doesn't happen often, but I was a rockstar pusher. She could actually feel me pushing. Because of that she said I was going to need a c-section, which she hated to do because by then I was in active labor for 24 hours. But she knew that was my only option. She said I had a tiny pelvic bone and that is why she won't make it through that way. Ummm now I am really scared, as I don't want to be cut open, but it was to see my girl in a little bit!! Things went really quickly and before I knew it I was up in OR. They parked my bed next to the OR bed and said they would help me move beds in a minute. I didn't need help, I just scooted myself over. They were all amazed that I could do that. I guess when you have an epidural you shouldn't be moving like that. They didn't know who they were messing with. The C-section went well I guess. I couldn't see anything or feel anything. I do know my BP went down to 56/29 at one point, but I wasn't worried about that. I was waiting to hear that cry. They tell Matt to stand up because they were pulling her out, he was so excited and nervous. He gave me a kiss and said congrats, but I was concerned because I still didn't hear crying. They NICU nurses were trying to get my blue baby to breathe. It took them a few minutes, but they eventually got her to breathe and I never thought that a cry could make me feel so good. The pain I was feeling when they stitched me up was horrible but I couldn't help but look at my little miracle. She was so beautiful!! Matt was standing between Amelia and I, torn on who to look at. I was squeezing his fingers off because of the pain and his other arm was stretching touching his daughter. 7lbs 5oz, 20.5" miracle!! Born at 8:12. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present. Matt got to hold her and carry her down to the nursery, but first they laid her on my chest for a brief picture. I was so thrilled to be a mom. Matt made it back to my recovery room right after I got there. He was too excited that he left to go back to see her. That is when our world started to crumble.

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