Thursday, November 28, 2013

Nov 24

Every hour we have with Amelia is a blessing to us. Matt and I knew that we needed to go home and get necessities to last us around a week so we wouldn't have to go anywhere. I know all new parents feel that way, not wanting to leave their baby, but I don't know if it is this bad. We went to see Amelia who had a good night! We prayed with her and waited to talk to her drs before we left. The drs had the same thing to say...she is still in serious condition and today is one of the most critical days for increased swelling. Our goal was a quick trip home, do a load of laundry and be back with our baby in just a few hours. 

We got home really quickly and I didn't realize how hard walking into the house would be. At first I was in a rush to get everything done so I can get back to the hospital. Then I had to put something in the nursery. Boy was that hard. Seeing all her stuff was so hard. I wanted to just leave everything and go back to the hospital. Matt wouldn't let me. He told me to lay down and try to rest while the clothes washed. He would take care of things. While I went to lay down I realized that my legs were beyond swollen. I had been having some pain in them and that made Matt super nervous. So he called my drs office and the dr on call wanted me to go to the emergency room. I cried so hard because I didn't want to be admitted. I told Matt I wasn't going. He told me I had to. Nope, I'm not going. I will just pretend nothing is wrong. The thing with Matt is I can never win a battle with him. So instead of some rest and getting clothes washed I was jumping in the shower and trying to hurry to get to the ER. 

Of course I was right and nothing was wrong and I just wasted a few hours being evaluated. Matt felt much better because blood clots were nothing to mess with. So instead of getting things done and getting back to my baby I didn't get stuff done and lost time with my little girl. 

When we got back to the hospital Matt dropped me off at the front door while he went to park. I went to Amelia's room and her nurse said she had a surprise for me. Amelia was opening her eyes! How awesome was that! It took her a minute but she did it for me. It was so awesome seeing her eyes opened. What a great feeling I had. I couldn't wait for Matt to come in and see her. They also gave her a little bow for her turban! My little diva loved that! 

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