Sunday, November 24, 2013

31 weeks pregnant

At 31 weeks pregnant, my pregnancy went from completely uneventful, to annoying. Now I know people have horrible pregnancies and mine was nothing to cry about, just not how I wanted the last few weeks to go. Hormones are really raging, I am huge and I am tired! I was diagnosed with GD and had to follow this diet. Not a horrible thing, but telling a pregnant woman you can't eat what you crave/want is not nice. I knew that I needed to do this for my sweet angel. (We found out after the 2nd anatomy scan that we were having a girl! Amelia Kimberley would be joining our family soon) I did what I was supposed to do, but that wasn't enough. My placenta just didn't like when I didn't eat and it would raise my blood sugar levels. That's fine, just means I had to take a super low dose of a tiny pill. I was okay with that. The rest of the GD was fine. Because I had to take medication I was not allowed to go past my due date. So I knew that by Dec 1 we would be parents! How exciting. During the next few weeks I developed Gestational Hypertention as well. So I was put on bed rest. I was also given a date that I needed baby to come out...Nov 21. I laughed as the dr told me! That's my birthday!! What a blessing to me to share that day with our little miracle. I was told to go to the hospital at 6:30 pm Nov 20th and I would start being induced. In the morning my dr would break my water and then I would be having my little angel shortly after!! I started to become so anxious and excited. We didn't tell anyone about the induction because we wanted it to be a surprise! Little did we know what surprise lied ahead.

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