Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Yet another surgery

Off to the OR we will be going. Mother's instincts should never be ignored. Now this particular issue isn't something that requires emergency surgery or anything like that, it is more to help the right side of her head. There is excess CSF, not an alarming amount, but enough to warrant her neurosurgeon to change her valve. If he can find a small enough programmable one then he will put one of those in. Changing the valve will allow for more of the fluid to be drained. The brain is already pushing out on the right side where her bone is gone and we don't want anything else pushing out over there.  

Surgery is set for 12:00 Monday afternoon. It should take about an hour (may be longer if there are issues with any other area of her shunt. She will be in the hospital over night unless there are issues. Amelia will not be allowed to wear her helmet until we see her NS in clinic  3 weeks later. I'm not sure what restrictions she will have from her plastic surgeon but we will find out later. 

When her doctor said she will have to have surgery Monday she looked at him and laughed. He stood there staring at her and I was concerned, thought he saw something wrong. He said "I'm amazed at how well she is doing developmentally."  That sure was nice to hear. Even though she has delays and issues she is doing much, much better than was expected! You go girl!! 

I'm sad that on her 8 month birthday she will be in surgery. I will have to cheat and do her pictures a day early. Shhh don't go around telling people I cheat!! 

I don't know if it is because I knew she would have to have a revision or because bad news doesn't faze me anymore, but I took this news well. I know she is in extremely good hands here at Vanderbilt and in even better hands all the time, God's. 

Amelia had to go through all the pre-surgery stuff even though we've been through it many times before. This includes having blood drawn. Well the first lady was rude and rough with Amelia and messed up the only vein that she had. I told her I wanted someone else to draw, not her. She sent us over to the cancer wing. Talk about beinging me back to reality. With everything we are going through these poor children and parents are going through even bigger trials. Breaks my heart. 

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