Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Regression (and teeth)

One thing that really stinks about having surgery is the regression. Watching Amelia grow in areas is amazing and then watching her fall back is devastating. Sometimes the regression is huge (like her big surgery in May) and sometimes it's just a few little things. Even though this past surgery had a few setbacks, those set backs are huge in the scheme of things. When she is already so far behind little setbacks just make it worse. At her therapy evaluation a month and a half ago she was developed consistent to a 1 month old. So when she makes progress it's great. It's not so great when that progress goes out the window. I know regression doesn't go with teeth, but I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. Amelia went from 2 teeth to 6 with a few more coming down quickly. I guess if she has one thing going for her it is growing normally. Her speech and appetite are good. She loves eating out food and we love sharing with her. It was embarrassing when we were in the hospital and she was on my lap while I ate. She threw a fit because I wasn't putting the food in her mouth too. So just a couple hours after brain surgery she was eating my chicken. Love that girl!

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