Monday, July 21, 2014

Another successful surgery!!!

Surgery was a success! Praise The Lord! He was able to go through the same incision as before to replace the valve. He was able to find a smaller programmable one. It is still larger than the previous one, but it means no furture surgeries to change the setting. He also had to change the catheter again. Normally with hydrocephalus when fluid starts to build up the ventricles are enlarged. With her she has an area (where the bone has been absorbed) to decompress and so her ventricles remain small. So he added extra tubing this time and hopefully that will help with her small ventricles. Everything was still working, just not as effectively as it should have been. 

He did have to make an additional incision under and toward the ear. This was so he could attach the valve to the rest of the tubing. Everything else looks good. 

We should be able to go see her in just a few minutes. As long as she can hold down food and Tylenol can help her pain we will be able to go home tomorrow! 

I'm waiting to hear from her plastic surgeon to see what restrictions she will have since she will not be allowed to wear her helmet for a few weeks. I'm really hoping she doesn't have to sleep back in her car seat. That's not fun for any of us. 

Thanks so much for all the prayers and thoughts. 

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