Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A girl and her monkey!

Isn't she just adorable?!! I have had a few people ask about the obsession with sock monkeys. Well here's the story:

So the Saturday after she was born I was released and went to see her. After about 30 mins we were asked to leave as they were going to try to put in an art line. So Matt and I went to get something to eat and went to the gift shop. Everything we had for her was at home. We wanted her to have something. Well the cutest thing they had was a pink little sock monkey. Walking down the hall I had the monkey. I was walking slow as that's all I could do (just had a c-section 1.5 days before) Matt kept looking at the monkey, then me, the monkey, then me. I finally said "if you want to give it to her go ahead" He basically grabbed the monkey out of my hand and ran to her room lol. 

That Thursday was thanksgiving and Lisa was in. We had planned (before all the horror happened) to go to Cracker Barrel for dinner, so we went. While there Lisa wanted to but Amelia something. Matt found a striped sock monkey that was so cute. Well being the ever so obvious person he put it somewhere that he thought Lisa might see it (instead of saying, here, this is cute, buy this). Lisa bought a Minnie Mouse. Well the next morning Matt was still thinking about that monkey so we had to go back to get it. That's how it all started. 

Every surgery or hospital stay results in a new monk. Now we didn't want monks to mean bad things so she has also got a few "fun" ones. Auntie Earmuffs bought her the giant stripes and U of M monk. She also has a monk lovey and some holiday ones. She really loves her monks, especially the stripes. 

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