Monday, September 22, 2014

Bye bye rib graft

It makes me so sad to announce that the ribs in Amelia's head are officially being absorbed. I knew this, just didn't have official confirmation from the plastic surgeon. 

Matt and I discussed what we would do next and we decided not to do any more grafts. We are going to do an artificial plate. We need to wait till she is at least 2 to do it. Once older than 2 the skull is 75-80% finished growing. We don't want multiple surgeries so we will wait. I just hope Dr Kelly doesn't retire before then. I actually said "you're old, hope you don't retire by then!" I was so embarrassed that my thoughts came out my mouth. He laughed and said at least I said it. Most just think it! 

This means that Amelia will have to be in her helmet till then (and possibly awhile after the surgery). It really stinks. She won't be able to be a kid. No playing outside, no swimming. Surgery will be when she will really feel the pain after and she won't be able to do anything for a few weeks after surgery. My heart breaks for this little girl. 

It would take a miracle for her bones to stop being absorbed and for them to start growing. I know God has already blessed us with multiple miracles with her but I don't see this happening. I still will hold onto faith, but need to brace myself for the furture. This affects all of us in many ways. I won't be going back to work anytime soon. We talked about possibly trying to have another child but I don't want to be pregnant or with a newborn/infant while Amelia has this surgery/hospital stay/recovery. Waiting at least 2 years isn't something we want to do as we are both getting up there in age and we would like the children to be close in age. But, as always, we will turn to God and follow his lead. 

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