Sunday, September 7, 2014

This child is amazing!

I am always amazed by Amelia. I love that through everything she has been through she has a smile on her face! The thing that amazed me this week is her therapy evaluation. 2.5 months ago we walked into the rehabilitation office and were told that Amelia, 6.5 month old Amelia, has the developmental skills of a 1 month old. I knew she wasn't where she needed to be, but that was a shock that she was so far behind. I guess I should have known as she didn't even know her toes existed! 

Tuesday Amelia was evaluated in PT and in OT on Thursday. We wanted a baseline for when her cast comes off (hopefully November 20th). Being so far behind and going in this cast is not a great thing to be going through. The next 3 months will be spent on arm strength, hand-eye coordination and hopefully some upper body strength. She is really weak in the left arm and doesn't even want to push up on it most of the time, so that is something we need to work on. 

PT's eval was basically her neck tilt from the torticollis and core alignment and hip rotation. OT is where her motor skills were put to the test. Amelia was so tired going into therapy. But she did try, for the first half anyway. She started to fall asleep during the second half of the evaluation, poor bug!

Are you ready for me to spill the good news yet?!!! So my 9 month old, brain damaged child tested at 10 months in fine motor skills!! I was floored. I knew she was making progress, but not that much!! You go little girl!! Mama is so proud of you! Official testing for gross motor skills put her at 7 months, but that is when she fell asleep. Her therapist said that she is more like 8/9 months!! YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No she isn't crawling (see above with no upper body strength because of the CP) and even though she is trying more and more to sit on her own, she isn't there yet. She does do a good job sitting supported though. 

I can't tell you all the emotions that went through me after that session. One thing that bothers me the most is that she doesn't do things like normal children (sitting, crawling, etc) but I know now that she is playing like she should be, and that she can do things that she should be doing! 

Tuesday is the hip surgery and I will warn you that there will be some sad/angry/hurt posts coming up. The surgery isn't going to bother me (heck after 5 brain surgeries a hip surgery is not going to be so bad), it is the cast. If you saw this little girl and her love for jumping you would feel my pain. I just hope that these next few months she doesn't lose that smile. Because I don't know what I will do :(

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