Monday, September 1, 2014

9 months old

So I started this after her 9 month check-up almost a week ago. Wow, I'm horrible at this blogging stuff!! 

It is so nice to have a normal appointment. Most parents of 9 month olds take their child to the doctor. We are in the norm here! 

Amelia weighs 19 1/2 lbs and is 28.5" tall. Her weight is the 75th percentile and she is 80th for height. I have no idea where she gets the height from. I'll take credit for the weight but not the height. Her weight/height proportion for 9 months is perfect at 50%! So nice to hear some normal, good news. I'm not starving her and despite a lot of people who have no filter, I'm not over feeding her and she's not fat. So 😝

I noticed a while back an issue with her lip. I didn't know if she was lip tied or not because she didn't have top teeth and I didn't know what to look for, but didn't think it was normal. Well it's not. She is lip tied. For right now we are just going to wait it out. Most kids end up falling and busting it open so why have the surgery if we don't need to. She is Matt's child so it's highly likely she will bust it open and sooner rather than later. 

Amelia did impress her doctor with her grabbing skills as she grabbed the protective cover off the tool she uses to look in her ears. She did this twice before she needed her arm held down. Auntie earmuffs would be proud. She doesn't do well with doctors. 

We are all set with her pediatrician until she is a year old! Once things from surgery settle down I will make the appointment. 

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