Sunday, September 21, 2014

Amelia was dedicated today

First off, a big happy birthday to auntie earmuffs (aka auntie Lisa)!!! 🎁🎈🎂

Today we dedicated Amelia. This a big thing for us as parents. We are telling family, friends, and most importantly God that we are going to raise Amelia in a home that loves and serves the Lord. This may not sound like a big deal to some, but it should be. God gave us Amelia. He gave her to us to raise to love and know Him. We accept that and are going to try our hardest to do just that. 

The message today at church was about letting others see Jesus in us. Pastor Mike preached about how people want to serve God in their own time and way. That if God wants them to move they will move to the next town. God wants them to have a different job, they say naw. That really got me thinking about Matt and my journey. We felt God leading us down here to Tn. That was a huge move, especially for me, away from all my family. God put it on my heart to teach. And just like the bible states "he gives and takes away". No sooner I felt at home and like I was where he wanted me, he took that. He wants me home with Amelia and that is where I am. It is hard, getting easier by the day, but God has never left me. I hope that when people look at me they can see Jesus. I am nowhere near perfect. I am a sinner. I have the love of Jesus in my heart. I desire to follow Jesus and live my life for him. 

That's what this dedication is all about. Letting not only the world see me live for Jesus's but having Amelia see me live for Jesus. Raising her to know that life isn't what we want it to be. Life is what God gives us. I don't know how God wants to use me, but I will someday. I will know why I have had to go through all these struggles. 

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