Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Hip surgery

So today is the day. We got up early (who am I kidding, I barely slept), drove to Nashville, got checked in, went through all the pre-op stuff and they took my bug away. When I see her next she will be in a purple spica cast (I choose the color this time!) 

There is a chance that she won't need to have the surgery and that he will be able to pop her hip back in. Now we all know my luck and know that Amelia inherited that from me, so I don't anticipate to be called back in an hour and go home today. I anticipate a call in an hour saying they are starting surgery and it will be a few hours. I prayed and know that it is in God's hands. I kinda wish her Dr didn't tell me that she may just need to be popped in because I know that's what I'm hoping for and I know when it doesn't happen I will be heart broken. Based on our appointment with him back in June he was pretty sure that she would have to have open reduction surgery. Again, I'm praying for comfort in this. 

Well here we are an hour and a half after we left our sweet girl. We just finished talking with her doctor. He was able to push the ball back in the socket without having to go in a scrap and cut her ball and reattach it. He did have to make a small incision on her upper thigh to loosen a tendon but that's it! The best part is that she gets to go home today!! I can't wait to go see my bug in her purple cast! 

Thank you God for letting her ball go back into her socket without the need for surgery!! 

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