Friday, October 17, 2014

What a week

Tuesday of this week started with Amelia's second hip surgery and recast. We got to the hospital bright and early and were home before lunch. Everything went really well. Her hip is exactly how it should be and her cast will be coming off Nov 20!!! 

Wednesday night I noticed a new discharge on the incision site is Amelia's shunt. Thursday morning I called the NS office and they sent us to the ER. A shunt series (x-Rays) and CT scan were needed. Despite throwing a fit we got the shunt series. The CT is another story. After 3 tries (one normal, one after feeding and one when she was sleeping) and her screaming we decided to sedate her. Well apparently the IV wasn't placed correctly because the medication didn't work right away. After 2 doses and lots of tears we finally got the scan and headed to our room. Amelia was having emergency brain surgery in the morning. 

When we got in the room she had a shunt tap done. This is where a needle is stuck in her head to draw CSF to make sure it's not infected. This little girl spazzed during a CT but was talking and calm during the tap. Those drugs finally kicked in. 

With the leaking it was just a matter of time before the shunt and brain became infected. So Dr Naftel wanted to remove the shunt on the left and get it put in on the right. 

Thankfully there was no infection in the CSF. To be sure another sample was taken during the surgery and sent to be tested. The shunt on the left was removed and another one placed on the right. Dr Naftel was completely happy with the outcome. He said it made a huge different and don't be surprised if her head was sunken in eventually. By the time we got to see her head was already sunken in. What a difference putting the shunt on the right side made. 

We had some issues with her staying awake and eating and I was not sure if she was just getting used to the new pressure or if maybe there was over draining. When the NS team came through they felt confident that it was okay and she's come around. An hour later we had dinner and that's all it took. Little princess perked up and ate like a champ. I guess a bottle wasn't going to do for her. 

If all continues well through the night she will get to go home tomorrow. I feel so bad because my little baby is bald but she will have hair yet again. What sucks is that I have to now see all her scars, I can clearly see the bone and where it ends and I'm reminded of all she's been through. But this too will pass. 

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