Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Nov 30

Auntie Lisa will be going home today. We will surely miss her. She held Amelia today and was so funny. She refused to move her hand and asked for help so that she could move Amelia's head further up her arm! Yes she is fragile, but she is tough too auntie Lisa! Maybe next time you will feel more comfortable with her! 

Nothing big going on today. We are moving up to the 8th floor today. Yippee. That means just chilling in a room with mommy and daddy and waiting for a MRI on Monday. That's all that is on the agenda. 

Amelia has been doing well. Eating great, sleeping, pooping and peeing just like she should be. We are so pleased and grateful for how far God has brought her. There is an army out there praying for sweet Amelia and we are so thankful for each and everyone of them. We haven't felt the devil trying to attack us and it's because he is afraid! He knows that we serve God and trust in him completely.  

Nov 29

Today was another big day for Amelia. She got her EEG off as she didn't have any more seizure!!! As they were taking it off the speech pathologist came by. She would be back in a little bit. That would determine if she can take a bottle on her own. Also during rounds the doctors said that Amelia was well enough to leave the PCCU! That would be one step closer to getting out of here!

The speech pathologist was quick coming back. She checked to see if Amelia could suck and she was impressed. This little girl had some strength. She got a bottle and started to feed her a little. Once she knew Amelia was swallowing and not just holding it in her mouth she gave the bottle to me. 8 days it took for me to feed my baby girl! She did amazing!!! They didn't want it give her too much because she would get an upset belly so I fed her an ounce. She was so happy after that. She still had the feeding tube and the attending would decide if she needed to keep it or not. The speech pathologist was okay with it being pulled.

One of the best things I got to see was Matt holding Amelia. Every time he holds her it just melts my heart. We have been married for over 12 years and I know so much about him. We don't have secrets from each other and tell each other everything. Okay, so maybe I share a little more with him (that he wishes I wouldn't lol). The one thing I never knew and am now learning is what an awesome daddy he is. He has been reading to her multiple times a day. He sings to her. He plays with her. He talks to her. But most importantly he prays with her. He is just beyond amazing.

They decided to go ahead and pull her feeding tube! She was so happy. That meant nothing was left on her face. She still had her pic line and she had her monitoring sensors on but I could kiss all over that sweet face!! She is just so beautiful. 

The physical and occupational therapist came in and saw Amelia. They said she was too stiff and they would come back and teach us some exercises to do with her. She was moving around like crazy so we didn't know why they said that but waited for them to come back. She came back and started to show us what to do with her and she was shocked said it was like night and day with her. Amelia was being a little snot earlier and wouldn't cooperate. Now she was fine! We still need to do the exercises but that's okay, just more time with her! 

By the end of the day we still weren't moved. They didn't have a room upstairs so we would have to wait till at least tomorrow. One more night with some awesome nurses, we could handle that!! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Amelia's first Thanksgiving

Boy, this was not the way I saw celebrating Amelia's first Thanksgiving together. We should have been at home, Amelia snuggled up with daddy on the sofa watching the parade. Lisa and I looking through Black Friday ads. Watching the Lions win and then going to dinner. I guess some of that happened but it wasn't how it was supposed to be.

The Ronald McDonald House provided a turkey dinner lunch for the families which was nice. We didn't want to disturb Amelia and so we sat down from her room in the PCCU waiting room. Lisa sat at the kids table!! She's crazy! I wish Amelia was at home in her nursery but that's something I have to get over.

Lisa was planning on coming in for Thanksgiving prior to all this and we had planned on going to Cracker Barrel to eat since I didn't think I would be up to cooking and our tastes are polar opposite it wouldn't make sense to cook. I was gonna keep Amelia in her car seat covered up and we would have a good time. We went to a Cracker Barrel and it hurt me so bad. I wanted nothing more than to have that sweet girl there with me. But per usual I pushed past that.

Amelia's nurse, Jennifer, made Amelia and Indian headdress. The other nurses colored a pictured for her door that said Happy Thanksgiving. These nurses rock! They are so amazing with Amelia. 

Today is a day to be thankful and Matt and I have a lot to be thankful for. We are so thankful to God for the miracle of Amelia. We are thankful to have made it this far. We are thankful for all our family, friends and strangers who have come together to pray for Amelia. We are thankful to have such a strong marriage and know how to support each other. We are thankful to serve a God who is in the business of performing miracles! For a God who is in control.