Monday, July 25, 2016

Eye surgery

Back on June 27th Amelia had surgery to correct her amblyopia. He went in and tightened the muscle on the left side of her eye and loosened the right side so that her eye would be straighter. With her hydrocephalus her eye will most likely start to turn out so he didn't want to move the eye exactly center so that we can possibly avoid another surgery in a few years. 
Amelia, of course, did amazing. There was a very tiny amount of swelling for a day and some redness but that's it. Her eye did itch (they say it feels like she had sand in her eye because she had 4 stitches on her eyeball) and that was the hardest part, stopping the itching. 
I'm so proud of Amelia. This little girl has been through so much and each obstacle she is thrown she takes it like a champ. I wish I had half her strength. She keeps me grounded and focused on what's important in life. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi how are you guys ? How is Amelia ? How's her sibling doing? How is mommy and daddy doing?? You have not posted in a while I just wanted to see how you guys are!!
