Thursday, September 17, 2015

Off she goes!!!!!

So I don't want to just include all the bad stuff. Here is a happy post. A few months ago Amelia got her walker in. After a couple days this little warrior decided she has it, and took off walking on her own in it. Her therapist was so shocked. She said that walking on her own wasn't even in her 3 month goals. This girl is a rock star. I wish we had a bigger house so she can move around more. With all the hills I can't just take her outside around the neighborhood. Hopefully soon we will start taking it to stores and to the park where there is a walking trail.

Not only did this little ball of awesomeness start using her walker, but just a few weeks ago she started pulling up to stand. It was such an awesome site to see. She gets on her knees with such ease now. If we can only get her to keep her knees together when she's on them. But progress is progress. She is making some progress getting into her anywhere chair. We aren't quite there yet, because she refuses to pick her head up and since it won't go through the back of the chair, she gets stuck. But we are making some gains with gross motor skills.

I couldn't be any more proud of this little girl. She has been through so much, but she has so much to prove. Her NS was talking to me about how he has never, in 7 years of training, in all his schooling, never himself, nor has he known any NS to operate on a child less than 24 hours old. He refers to her as the 1% the textbooks warn you about. She continues to amaze everyone! God is sure working miracles on her!

This picture was taken back when she had hair still!! 

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