Monday, February 16, 2015

And she's off!!!!!

Well it's official, we have a crawler! I'm in tears writing this. This is something I never thought I'd get to say. She's been crawling in circles for a long time. Back when she had her spica cast on she was moving in circles. But now she's going forward!! 

For the past couple days she's been just going back and forth on the carpet. Today she decided she wanted my slippers, then the dog bones, then the dogs water bowl in the kitchen. Daddy put the baby gate up (we finally get to use it for its purposes and not the dogs) to the kitchen. It brought such joy to my heart seeing her going all over. She's army crawling (well, without much help from the left arm), but does a good enough job getting where she wants to go. It's a lot of work on her part and she tired easily from it. I know for PT we are supposed to do a lot of standing (which we are) but I'm too excited to see the crawling, so we do that if she's wanting to. 
We've been practicing standing and just the past couple days walking with her. She is doing amazing with the walking. She went from not moving her legs at all, even if we tried to move them, to taking steps all on her own. So proud of this amazing little girl!! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy to read that ya'll got to experience a good thing seeing her crawling:)
