Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Plastics and NS appointments

Today we met with Amelia's NS and plastic surgeon. Everything looked good. Amelia was scheduled for an MRI in two weeks but her NS likes to have them 3 months post op. That appointment was schedule after her follow-up from her last surgery. So we get to cancel one appointment this month!! (Yes we have to still go in a few months but that's okay). He is also referring her to a rehabilitation doctor. She will monitor Amelia's cerebral palsy and her developmental growth. She will give a plan for PT and OT and help with everything. Yes it stinks to have yet another doctor added to the mix but I think she will really benefit (not just Amelia, but myself too). 
The appointment with her plastic surgeon was uneventful. Still the same plan. Get back in the helmet (we go next Wednesday) and let her grow some before the next surgery. See ya in 6 weeks. 
Tomorrow we have therapy and then on Friday Auntie Earmuffs and Uncle BDB will be here! Even though it's a super short visit I'm excited. I don't get to see and talk to adults with the exception of doctors and therapists. Any time I can have adult conversation is welcome! Plus I miss my family. 

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